Births, engagements, weddings, condolences, GEM get-togethers, etc.
May we share in each others' joys and sorrows.
Have an event to add? Email it to: dgeller@gemteletorah.com
Baruch Dayan HaEmes, G-d is the true judge.
It is with great sadness that this comes to inform you of the passing of Kalman Mordechai ben Dovid Eliyahu the brother of Judi Kirk (Gem 2 & 6, 2006 & 2008). He returned his soul to his Maker early Friday morning, Feb. 5, 2010, 21st of Shevat, 5770. Funeral Feb. 7, 10am at Gutterman's in Rockville Centre, NY. Burial at Pinelawn NY - the New Montefiore Cemetery. Sitting shiva 6 to 9pm Monday and Tuesday (Feb 8 and 9). You can probably reach Judi on her husband's cell phone to comfort her: 516-417-1207.
We share in Judi's sorrow on the passing of her dear brother.
May the Omnipresent console you, Yehudit Perel, among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Call In: 712-775-7100; Access Code: 923767#
Baruch Dayan HaEmes, G-d is the true judge.
Thank you, Judi Kirk (Gem 2 and Gem 6), for informing us:
It is with great sadness that this comes to inform you of the passing of Helen Littman, Chana bas Chaim, the mother of Diane Goldstein (Gem 6, Nov, 2008). A graveside service will be held in Boynton Beach, Florida, Sun. Jan. 24,1:30p.m. Diane will be returning to New York and sitting shiva (noon till 9pm) beginning Monday, Jan. 25, until Friday, Jan 29, 2:00p.m., in her mother’s apartment in Bayside, NY.
Diane can be reached on her cell phone: 516-410-3996.
May she be consoled. I would like to dedicate the GEM Teletorah class this Sunday, Jan. 24, the day of Mrs. Littman’s funeral, to the memory of Helka (Chana on her Ketuba) bas Chaim. May her memory be for a blessing.
Gem Teletorah on Sundays, 10:00a.m., Eastern Time
Call In: 712-775-7100; Access Code: 923767# Diane, We share in your sorrow on the passing of your dear mother. May the Omnipresent console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Mazel Tov to Raize Guttman, our beloved teacher, on the birth of her son, Shlomo Simcha, the night of Dec. 6, 2009, in Yerushalayim, Ir HaKodesh (Jerusalem, the Holy City) not long after teaching our TeleTorah class! Baruch Hashem. May you have only nachas.
Shlomo Simcha Guttman at his bris.
Here are more photos taken at the bris. Raize is top left. Tzippy, a neighbor of Raize's and a Gem TeleTorah class participant is top right. Raize's mom, Chaya Hoffman, is bottom right. Chaya is a frequent participant of Gem TeleTorah and gave a class March 2009 on her Mother's Holocaust Story. To hear it, go to "Previous Postings" on right side of page (scroll down), click on triangle pointer next to "2009", then on "March", then on "Chaya Hoffman".
Rabbi and Mrs. Hoffman, Raize's parents.
With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of Marcia Levy's (Gem 5) sister, Tova Alana bas Ze'ev HaCohen, on Nov 20, 2009 after sundown. She had a love for learning and teaching Torah. May our learning and teaching Torah be a merit for the elevation of her soul. May the Omnipresent console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Mazel Tov to Bracha Weisman (Jerusalem, Gem 7, spring 2009) on her engagement to Dovid Holland of Jerusalem. Their Jerusalem wedding is Nov 5, 2009, just after the Gem 8 Israel Trip.
Mrs. and Mrs. Holland
Tatiana Verkholaz (Gem 8) giving and receiving blessings from Bracha Weisman (Gem 7) just before the chuppah (wedding ceremony).
Alexia Deschamps (Gem 8) giving and receiving blessings from Bracha Weisman (Gem 7)
Bonnie and her mom, Francee Leonhard (Gem 2) of Bardonia, NY, came on a Gem Israel Trip together, March 2006. Bonnie Dubin married Daniel Goetz the summer of 2008.
Mazel Tov to Susan Colton Chorney (CT, Gem 1,2 and 3) on the birth of a granddaughter and a grandson. Susan's daughter, Sara Karp of Los Angeles, gave birth to a baby girl, Baila Gittel (Bailey), May 29, 2009 and Susan's daughter, Abby Reading of the Old City, Jerusaelm, gave birth to a baby boy, Yehoshua, Aug 27, 12:30am (Elul 7).
Mazel Tov to Diane Goldstein (NY, Gem 6, Nov 2008) on the birth of a granddaughter, Nina Zahava (8lbs, 10 oz), born Sat. night, Aug 29, about 8:30pm (Elul 10).
Aug 25, 2009
Heather DeSilva (Mississauga, Ontario, Gem 4, spring 2007) and Necha Golda met for dinner at Cafe Rimon during Heather's visit with her son, Catriel, and his family in Beitar Illit, Jerusalem. Heather enjoys calling in regularly to Gem TeleTorah.
From Drop Box |
With deep sorrow we announce the passing of Paullette Franco's (Gem 4) grandmother Rahel Mindel bas Yehuda Ruven. May our Gem learning serve as an ilui neshamat (elevation of the soul) for her. May the Omnipresent console you among the other mourners of
Mazal tov to Franci Karp (Gem 1) on her engagement, Baruch Hashem!!!
Franci moved from the Los Angeles area to The Old City, Jerusalem, less than a year ago and has been learning in seminary since her arrival. The wedding is March 24, 2009 in Jerusalem. I'm thrilled to be able to host Franci's Shabbos Kallah this Shabbos, March 21. The Shabbos Kallah is a gathering of the bride with her female family and friends for the Third Meal on the Shabbos before her wedding. It's so exciting.
This is the fourth Gem to get married since coming on a Gem Israel Trip! May we continue to hear such good news.
Necha Golda
Necha Golda
March 2009:
San Fernando Valley, CA Gems Paulette Franco (Gem 4, spring 2007) and Laurie Julian (Gem 7, spring 2009) are planning to attend a Sherman Oaks Chabad Purim play together! As we say in Israel, “Eze kef!” (“That’s fun!”)
We’re proud of Paulette for initiating this local get-together with other Gems. Let us know when you do the same by emailing ndubinsky@aish.com
San Fernando Valley, CA Gems Paulette Franco (Gem 4, spring 2007) and Laurie Julian (Gem 7, spring 2009) are planning to attend a Sherman Oaks Chabad Purim play together! As we say in Israel, “Eze kef!” (“That’s fun!”)
We’re proud of Paulette for initiating this local get-together with other Gems. Let us know when you do the same by emailing ndubinsky@aish.com
Mazel tov to Marcia Levy (Gem 5, spring 2008) on the birth of her new granddaughter, Ansley Rachel Levy born Feb 23, 2009.
Shloshim Asifa (the end of the first 30 days of mourning) in New York for our beloved Rosh Yeshiva and leader, Rav Noach Weinberg, zt”l (may he be remembered with a blessing), will take place this Thursday night March 5, 2009 at 8:15PM at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin (Ave L bw 29th & Nostrand) in Brooklyn, NY. This event will be especially meaningful to talmidim (students), friends and participants in Aish HaTorah. Includes tributes from renowned speakers Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein, Rabbi Yaakov Salomon and Rabbi Chaim Sampson. Two moving video presentations will be shown. We hope you will be there.
To view this flier online, go to http://www.kiruv.com/ and click the top banner.