Jan 31, 2021

Raize Guttman 01-31-21 (18 Sh'vat 5781)

 Parshat Toldot - Chapter 27 - Verses 45-46,    Chapter 28 - Verses 1-4

Rivka saw with Ruach ha Kodesh (divine inspiration) that both of her sons would be buried on the same day.   We see  one of the rare occasions in Torah where Rivka goes to her husband  Yitzhak and says she is disgusted with  her life.  She is talking about the wives of Esav who  have caused her much pain, and she does not  want her son Yaakov to marry one of these Canaanite women.  Yitzhak calls in Yaakov and gives him all the  blessings of Avraham and then tells him  to "marry a woman like his mother", a woman from the house of Bethuel.

Today's learning is in the merit of Rav Meshulan Dovid  Soleveitchik zt"l,  Rabbi Yitzchok Scheiner zt"l, and Rabbi Dr. A. J. Twerski zt"l, who sadly were all petira this past week from Covid-19 in Eretz Yisroel.  May their neshamas have an aliyah.  Also, for the refuah shlemah of Tenokes bas Yehudit Nechama, and Beinish Getzel ben Sura Leah.  May we only share good news!

Raize Guttman 01-24-21 (11 Sh'vat 5781)

 Tu B'Shvat shiur - New Year for the Trees

Jan 17, 2021

Raize Guttman 01-17-21 (04 Shvat 5781)

Parsha Toldot - Chapter 27 - Verses 41-45

Last week we spoke about the blessing that Yitzhak gave Esav, and now we see the ramifications of this blessing.  Esav hated Yaakov, and thought in his heart he would wait until his father dies and then he would kill  his brother.  This is the source/the root of all anti-Semitism in the world from then, until today.   Rashi says Rivka received this message with  ruach ha kodesh (divine prophecy).  She then tells Yaakov  to run to Laban's house "until your brother's anger subsides from YOU". We learn an important lesson here,  what is in your heart is reflected on someone else and how they will feel about you. Rivka is saying go run away and get away, stay there until you are not angry with him anymore. We have such unbelievable power to influence other people, just by how we think about them.   When you think negatively about someone, you can cause them to hate you and when you think positively or give them the benefit of the doubt, so that will come back to you  from them.