Apr 30, 2023

Raize Guttman 04-30-23 (09 Iyar 5783)

Counting the Omer
Middos of the week - Netzach

Apr 25, 2023

Raize Guttman 04-23-23 (02 Iyar 5783)

Counting the Omer

Today is the 17th day of the Omer.  The numerical value of 17 is tov (good). Tiferet shebe Tiferet.  The  compassion  of compassion.   This middos means harmony and  perfect balance.   Middot means measurement and a character trait.  The goal  is  not to be extreme, but to find balance.

Raize Guttman 04-16-23 (25 Nisan 5783)

Sefirat HaOmer

We now go from Pesach to Shavuot.  It is like a connected Chol Hamoed.  These  days have the power to grow. These are the 49  days that the Jewish people left  Egypt and went from the 49th level of impurity to the 49th level of purity.  From  the lowest to the highest.

If you focus on the positive, you don't have to be so busy getting focused on the negative.

Raize Guttman 04-02-23 (11 Nisan 5783)
