Sep 16, 2018

Raize Guttman 09-16-18 (7 Tishrei 5779)

Yom Kippur

It is said that 3 books are opened in heaven on Rosh Hashanah , one for the completely wicked, one for the completely righteous and one for those in between. And since the extremes of complete righteousness and complete wickedness are few and far between, Rosh Hashanah functions, for the majority of people, as the opening of a trial that extends until Yom Kippur. Aseret Yemei Teshuva (days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) are an important component in the process of repentance & change.

Unetanah tokef (the famous pious poem) discusses the fact that between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur there is an opportunity “to avert the severe decree” through three actions: teshuvah (repentance/to return), tefillah (prayer), and tzedakah (charity).

The requirements for repentance include a change of mind, a feeling of regret, and a determination to change, along with an effort to repair the effects of one’s misdeed.

Raize highlights many practical and meaningful ideas as to how we can understand, rein-act & return to our one and only source Hashem.

Our learning today is dedicated to our beloved Chaya Rivka bas Miriam in celebration of her birthday. May she continue to be an inspiration to us all!

Sep 5, 2018

Raize Guttman 09-02-18 (22 Elul 5778)

Rosh Hashanah

Raize Guttman 08-26-18 (15 Elul 5778)

Parsha Vayeira - Chapter 21 – Verses 1
Rosh Hashanah

We read this pasuk on Rosh Hashanah - how significant that we are learning it today! In this verse Hashem "remembered" Sarah, and she became pregnant. A big part of our Rosh Hashanah services is about Zichronos (Remembrances). In the shiur today Raize gives over this concept of remembrances to remind us that Hashem never forgets us and the special relationship we as the Jewish people have with him.

The greatest way we expressed ourselves to Hashem in our entire history was when we went out of our comfort zone and followed Hashem blindly into the desert. Zacharti lach chesed ne’urayich - lechtech acharai bamidbar – I recall the kindness of your youth - you followed Me into the wilderness.”

Lechtech - take a small step in a new direction - make a kabala
Acharai- accept Hashem's will that everything is the way it should be - everything in it's right time.
Bamidbar - go out of your comfort zone into the wilderness

May we all be zoche, to truly be inscribed for a Shanah Tovah u’metuka – a deliciously sweet year - and be able to actualize these 3 ideas.

Our learning today is l'ilui neshama for our dear GEM sister Rachel (Roslyn) Croog.