Mar 5, 2017
Raize Guttman 03-05-17 (7 Adar 5777)
A week from today is Purim, which is said to be the most special day of the year. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year, but there are those that say that it does not come close to Purim. Why? Yom Kippur is a day that is completely between man and Hashem. But Purim goes even beyond that. It is not only a day that we reach a tremendously high level between man and Hashem, but we also reach a tremendously high level between man and man, and man and himself. It is the day that encompasses every aspect of the greatness of a human being. Today Raize speaks about the essence of Purim & how one can achieve the goal of Purim.
It is also important to mention that today is 7 Adar. It is a very holy day, as it is the birthday and yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu - as well as the birthday of our esteemed teacher Raize.